Current 2024/2025 Scores

How W.A.S.H. points work
Norm Rivers graciously ran the WASH scoring for years and had it down to an art. I will post here his words on how the score keeping works to get points. If you have any questions, please email WASH and we will get your question(s) over to our new score keeper, Sarah Vining. You can also find her direct email contact via the link at the top of this page.
The five highest scores will be counted for each team. If two people run the same dog, scores will be kept separate for each one. If you run at twenty different trials, only the five highest scores will count. If you enter only five trials all scores will count. Naturally, the more trials you enter, and the trials with more entries, the greater your chance of success.
The number of runs in the class will determine the score for each contestant. If thirty dogs run, and you finish first, your score would be thirty. Second would be twenty-nine, and so forth. If you and your dog don’t finish the run there would be no score for the team. Non-competes don’t count toward scores.
Only Washington State trials count for scores. If a trial host or designated person doesn’t send the results, no scores will be given for that trial.
WASH Points and Awards Policy Effective August 1st, 2021
Purpose: The goal of this document is to outline the Points and Awards program for WASH members. The role of WASH is to encourage and recognize members by tracking placements and to provide awards. Trial hosts can operate their trials in the manner that they see fit. Definitions 1. A Novice handler is any handler who has not competed in an Open trial. 2. A Novice dog is any dog that has not competed in an Open trial. 3. An Open handler is any handler who has competed in an Open trial. 4. An Open dog is any dog that has competed in an Open trial. 5. A “Pro” is a dog or handler who has competed in an Open trial. 6. A “Novice” is a dog or handler who has not competed in an Open trial. WASH Award Classes 1. Novice Champion 2. Ranch Champion 3. Pro Novice Champion 4. Open Champion 5. USBCHA Sheepdog Champion 6. Open Cattle Champion WASH Award Qualifications Novice Reserve Champion Ranch Reserve Champion Pro Novice Reserve Champion Open Reserve Champion USBCHA Sheepdog Reserve Champion Open Cattle Reserve Champion 1. NOVICE CHAMPION/NOVICE RESERVE CHAMPION (NovNov) In Washington State, this class is titled Novice-Novice, aka NovNov. The first “Novice” designation means that the handler has not competed at the Open level; the second means that the dog has not competed at the Open level. Trial hosts can allow anyone to run in the NovNov class, but in order to maintain fairness for WASH Members, the WASH Points and Awards program will only track points for teams that meet the NovNov criteria listed above. A handler/dog team may only win the Novice Champion or Novice Reserve Champion Award one time each. For example, a team may win Novice Reserve one year, and Novice Champion the next. That handler/dog team may choose to remain in the Novice class and earn WASH points but will not be eligible to win either award a second time. Once a handler/dog team competes in Pro Novice or Open, they are no longer eligible to earn WASH points in the Novice-Novice class. 2. RANCH CHAMPION/ RANCH RESERVE CHAMPION In Washington state, Ranch is the middle Novice class. Trial hosts can allow anyone to run in this class, but in order to maintain consistency for WASH Members, the WASH Points and Awards program will only track points for Novice handlers (those who have not ever run a dog in Open). Only Novice handlers will be eligible to win the WASH Ranch Award. Novice handlers can run any level of dog in Ranch. A handler/dog team may only win the Ranch Champion or Ranch Reserve Champion Award one time each. For example, a team may win Ranch Reserve one year, and Ranch Champion the next. That team may choose to remain in the Ranch class but will not be eligible to win either award a second time. Once a handler/dog team competes in Open, they are no longer eligible to earn WASH points in the Ranch class. 3. PRO NOVICE CHAMPION/PRO NOVICE RESERVE CHAMPION(ProNov) In Washington state, Pro Novice is the highest Novice class. Pro Novice refers to teams that have one dog or handler that is a Pro and one dog or handler that is a Novice, or both dog and handler are Novice. Trial hosts can allow anyone to run in this class, but in order to maintain consistency for WASH Members, the WASH Points and Awards program will only track points for Pro Novice teams. Once a handler/dog team competes in the Open class, they can no longer earn WASH points in the Pro Novice class. 4. OPEN CHAMPION/OPEN RESERVE CHAMPION The Open class is sanctioned by USBCHA. The Open class is open to all handler/dog teams. Once a dog/handler team competes in the Open class they can no longer earn WASH points in the Novice classes (NovNov, Ranch or ProNov). 5. USBCHA CHAMPION/RESERVE CHAMPION The top 20 percent of all dogs at a USBCHA sanctioned Open trial can earn qualifying points toward the National Sheepdog Finals. National USBCHA ranked Open Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded to the handler/dog team ranking highest within the USBCHA Combined Open Sheepdog Points 6. OPEN CATTLE CHAMPION/OPEN CATTLE RESERVE CHAMPION Open cattledog trials are sanctioned by the USBCHA. The Open Cattle class is open to all handler/dog teams. If you compete in an Open Cattle trial, you are still eligible to compete in Novice, Ranch, and Pro Novice Sheepdog trials. POLICIES 1. General 1. A statistician will be appointed to gather and record points from all Washington trials. 2. Only USBCHA/ISDS format trials will count toward year end awards. 3. Trial hosts will send official trial results to the statistician. 4. The statistician will send official trial results and award points to the web administrator to be posted on the WASH website. 2. Eligibility 1. Points and Awards can only be earned by current WASH Members. The Handler MUST be a member in good standing BEFORE the trial begins in order to earn WASH points. Dues must be paid prior to the start of the trial. 2. Points will be earned and accumulated from August 1 through July 31 of each trial year. 3. Points will be earned by each handler/dog team. If a dog is transferred to a new handler, then a new team is formed and will earn points separately from the previous team with the same dog. 3. Points 1. WASH Members will accumulate points for the classes (NovNov, Ranch, ProNov, Open Sheep and Open Cattle) in trials within Washington state. Points will be awarded based on the number of handlers going to the post and their respective finish in that class. For example, if 50 teams run in a class, the first-place team receives 50 points, the second-place team receives 49 points, and so on through the last team to post a score. DQ’s (disqualifications) and RT’s (retires) receive no points. 2. The five highest scores will be counted for each team. For example, if a team runs at twenty different trials, only the five highest scores will count in the point total. 3. The team with the most points in each class will be awarded Champion. The team with the second most points in each class will be awarded Reserve Champion. 4. National USBCHA ranked Open points will come from the USBCHA website. Respectfully submitted by the 2021 WASH Board of Directors: Paul Murray, Lisa Berglund, Judy Norris, Lorrie Crumpler, Tim Browne, Kelly Gann, Ron Green and Amanda Jones.