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Message from WASH President

Hello from Paul Murray (your new WASH President for a couple of years)

These are some unusual times and it is challenging to find any sense of normal.

We are all doing the best that we can and helping others as we are able.


I just judged the first AHBA trial at Moon Creek, have been trying to keep up on training my current dog (Don), have watched lots of Netflix and I will begin teaching high school math 100% online around Labor day weekend.


My first goal is to have effective communication and figure out what the members of WASH want out of WASH. I will send you an email in the very near future about what you like and what you don’t like.


The 2020-2021 Board Of Directors are Lisa Berglund, Ellice Freas, Judy Norris, Tim Browne, Jeanne Boudrieau, Ron Green and Kelly Gann. Their first assignment is to find out what all of you members want.  If you see them (in person or online) then tell them what you like and what you don’t like and what you think WASH ought to be doing (from 6 feet away).


An overwhelming positive that I have heard thus far is that people really liked the Outrun-Lift-Fetch Days.


We will be looking at WASH points for Aug 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021 and see what USBCHA is doing and also  the federal, state and local health guidelines for determining sanctioning.


If you hear about a member with some troubles then please email us at so the Sunshine Committee can send out a card.

If you haven’t renewed your WASH membership, you could…  

Hope that you are safe and healthy,

Paul Murray

WASH Board of Directors 2020-2021

July 13, 2020

Hello WASH Members,


After many years of serving on the WASH Board of Directors, President Maggi McClure is stepping down. A HUGE  “Thank You” to her for everything she has done. We are grateful for her leadership, knowledge, and dedication brought to our club and our community. 


Also, “Thank You” to JB Brick for all her work as Director and to Lorri Schubert, for stepping in as Vice President this past year. Wishing all of them the very best.


And now, WASH is very pleased to announce the new Board for 2020-2021:


President – Paul Murray *

Vice President – Lisa Berglund *

Secretary – Ellice Freas

Treasurer – Judy Norris

Directors: Tim Browne, Jeanne Boudrieau, Kelly Gann, and Ron Green *

*Newly appointed board members per by-laws. Minimum requirements for an election not met this year.



Additionally, as of August 1st, USBCHA sanctioning of trials and WASH Points will begin for the new trial year.


Membership Renewal Reminder: the WASH annual memberships expires July 31st. To renew your annual membership, have your WASH points count for 2020-21, and to be eligible for club sponsored events and prizes like Outrun, Lift Fetch (OLF) Days, WASH Bucks and audit raffles, go to


Please renew and hope to see you out there!



Scott Glenn Clinic - Raffle

March 09, 2020

Chris Soderstrom has generously donated a Scott Glen Audit spot to WASH. The drawing for the spot will be held on Tuesday, March 17th. If you would like to submit your name, please e-mail Ellice by 12:00 pm on Tuesday, March 17th. 

Message from WASH President, Maggi McClure

October 18, 2019

Hello All,

Thank you to everyone who renewed their membership this fall we are looking forward to another year full of fun and good work with our dogs.


WASH strives to offer education and mentorship throughout the year and give our members support as the “drive the gates” into the world of herding and training working dogs.  We started the season with a WASH sponsored lunch at the Fido’s Labor Day trial.  Big big thanks to our own WASH Secretary Ellice Freas who deftly created some tasty tacos and sides.  Truly a treat beyond compare.   We also presented awards for last season and enjoyed the fresh sheep supplied by Chris Soderstrom.  


September also included the USBCHA National Finals.  2019 was attended by more WASH members than I can ever recall!  Congratulations to all the Nursery and Open handlers who made the trip to Carbondale!   Bravo!


WASH hosted another successful “Gather” Day at Fido’s Farm at the end of September.  Big thank you to all our Open level handlers who came out to support and mentor our upcoming membership.    These club sponsored training opportunities have become the backbone of our club and I’m delighted to see such tremendous turnout for our members and the new folks who joined up at the event too.  We hope you join us for all future events.  


Another shout out of thanks to the clinic hosts throughout Washington who have continued to let us raffle off audit spots in clinics.  These audit spots are generously donated by the trial hosts and if you haven’t “put your name in the hat” to try to win a spot--join us!  


Clinics are a great way to hear a new point of view and give you tips on your own dog training.  You can learn a ton by listening and asking questions at these clinics.  Don’t miss out!  


I look forward to seeing you at the winter training trials!


All the best,



Maggi McClure

WASH President

Message from Out-Going President Maggi McClure

Hello WASH,

As my term as President wraps up I wanted to thank all of you for participating in the new club activities this past year.  Being an inclusive and member driven club is what WASH is all about and I feel the year reflected those values. 


I’m grateful for the good work of our outgoing BOD members.  Lisa Berglund, along with Cheryl Munson, have been instrumental in recreating the website—keeping it up to date and a great resource for club activities, trial, and clinic information.  Jane Hickman is always on hand to keep us on track and, since I’m not the most detail oriented person, I appreciated her notes of clarification and encouragement as we moved thru the past term.  On behalf of the WASH BOD I thank you both for your vision and efforts in building the club and all the work you have on on the club’s behalf.


I am stepping down as President—not far…now I’m your VP and two other Directors will be joining us: Ellice Freas and Jeanne Boudrieau.  I look forward to working with you come August.


And I am happy to welcome Sandy Eccker into the seat of President.  I first met Sandy at a Kathy Knox clinic in 1998 or so.  She had this amazing young dog named Fly that she was starting and I appreciated her welcoming presence to a newbie like myself.  I liked the dog so much I got on a list for a pup from those lines—that was Lil, my fourth BC, who is out of Elisa’s Grace, Fly’s sister.  Sandy has been a long time member of the sheepdog community and can be counted on for thoughtful direction and great mentorship. Welcome Sandy!


Time to RENEW your memberships for 2018-2019.   Memberships are due before August 1st.  Be sure to visit our membership page and renew.  Our Awards Banquet is coming up this fall and the big drawing for WASH Bucks ($250 to go toward your working sheepdog education) is only open to current MEMBERS.  Audit raffles, a judging clinic, novice training clinic, and opportunities for mentorship are just around the corner.  Don’t miss out! 


Happy trials and trails,


Maggi McClure

WASH President

Board of Directors Nominations are Open

May 01, 2018

Consider helping our WASH Club continue to grow. Members of all levels and experiences are encouraged to participate in shaping the future of the club. Step up and support the community!

Nominations for: President, Vice President, and Directors(2)

Commitment: 2 year term, 3-4 meetings/year, 2-3 functions to participate in planning. Great group of people & enthusiastic community to support. Nominations close May 31st.


10:00 am, Sunday January 21st at

Yankee Grill

1 S Grady Way

Renton, WA  98057

We'd love to have you join the meeting.  This club is a Members Club and want to hear your suggestions. 


Please contact Cindy Baker, WASH Secretary, if you are interested in attending the meeting so we can plan for seating.



Ellice Freas was the lucky winner of the free audit spot offered at the Kathy Knox Clinic in Eatonville, WA on October 7th and 8th.  We hope she enjoys hearing one of the top handler's and instructor's in the country.

WASH Award Ceremony!

July 31, 2017

We will celebrate the closing of the 2016-2017 season on September 2nd at Fido’s Farm. Join us for our annual BBQ/Pot Luck and Award Ceremony for the top WASH dogs of the year. Also, our new WASH BUCKS* drawing will be held. Join us!  


WASH will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks. Please bring a salad, side dish, or desert. A-J: Salads, M-R: Side dish. S-Z: Desert  Please RSVP! (

Nationals Live Stream

July 28, 2017

WASH has partnered with many other clubs across the US to support the live stream of the USBCHA Nationals in VA.  September 26-Oct 1st the top teams in the US will compete at Belle Grove Plantation in Middletown, VA.  Look for details on the live stream here, Facebook, or visit

WASH Bucks!

July 26, 2017

We are excited to announce the new WASH Bucks program.  What are WASH Bucks?  We wanted to offer a scholarship to one of our members to further their advancement in the world of the working stock dog.  The award can be used toward a lifetime membership to WASH, OSDS, USBCHA or for a clinic/camp of your choosing.  We will hold a raffle at the Awards Banquet on September 2nd at Fido’s Farm.  You don’t have to be present to win but it would be great if your were!  

Message from WASH President, Maggi McClure

July 25, 2017

I want to thank Cindy Baker, Jeff Marroni, and Kathleen Torkleson for stepping up in the last two years to help support WASH through a rocky transition.   Your help and willingness to steer the club in a positive direction has been very helpful and inspiring.  Thanks for assisting with all the changes to guide the club to a new place.  Your willingness to jump in, your enthusiasm and creativity has shaped the future of the club and I am forever thankful.


As we move into the 2017-18 season we welcome JB Brick and Tim Browne as our two new directors.  Cindy Baker has also agreed to continue forward the next year as our secretary.  And Dick Wilson will head up our Sunshine Committee.  Thanks to all for your support.  We’ve got a great year ahead!    



Tribute to Mary Anne Lindsey

October 24, 2016

Mary Anne Lindsey’s smiling face, vitality, and passion for helping dogs in need is missed from our WASH community. In her honor WASH has donated $100 to Ravensgate Border Collie Rescue.  Let the good work continue.

Message from President, Maggi McClure

September 01, 2016

Hi All,

The outlook is bright for WASH as we move into a new membership year.  The club is full of opportunities to learn and get to know each other a little more.  But before I ramble about our plans for the season I want to take a moment to celebrate our top WASH teams for 2015-2016.


Open Champion: Noelle Williams & JumpinW Lad

Open Reserve Champion: Noelle Williams & JumpinW Dusty


Pro Novice Champion:  Noelle Williams & JumpinW Bea

ProNovice Reserve Champion: Debbie Dunne & Wynn


Novice Champion: Renee Carle & Lilly

Novice Reserve Champion: Tim Browne & Nell


In addition, I want to acknowledge our top two USBCHA WASH members. That means these guys had the most national points of any member in our local club.


Congratulations to our past two WASH Presidents:

1st: Joe Haynes & Keally 

2nd: Dave Imas & Tip


We will have some wonderful awards to our winners soon. Well done WASH Teams!


Your WASH Board has been active in rekindling the focus of WASH as a platform for mentorship and education in stockmanship. We have  many clinic hosts opening up a free audit spots for upcoming clinics from a variety of clinicians.  Kathy Knox, Scott Glen, Jack Knox, and WASH member Dave Imas are some of the options available in the next 6 months. Our raffle system for clinic spots will be announced regularly.  Don’t miss this great opportunity.


Also, mark your calendar for our Novice Fun Day planned for November 5th and a judging clinic in the works for spring.  Details to follow!


Please join our Facebook page for updates on club events or keep an eye on the website.  


Both USBCHA Nationals in Carbondale, CO and the Meeker Classic are just around the corner.  We will be sending updates on scores and trial news from the events on Facebook so you can keep track of your fellow WASH handlers.  


I also strongly encourage all of you to each out to board members or comment on our Facebook page on what you would like to see from your club.  What type of education would most suit you?  Are you interested in a goal setting seminar? Fun days? Learning more about sheep and their care?  Let us know.  


Please join us in making this club something amazing.  Share.  Participate.  Learn.


Happy trials and happy trials,

Maggi McClure

WASH President




*For those new to WASH, our membership year and award calendar is in alignment with the USBCHA for continuity.  Membership & point accrual begins August 1st of each year.

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